Erect shrub. Attractive dark green linear leaves, small bright yellow flowers.
H: 2.5m W: 1.5m
Chamelaucium 'Moonlight Delight' 140mm
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A small, compact shrub Flowering from winter to late spring large waxy white flowers. Cultivated for the flower trade. Frost and drought tolerant once established. Low water requirements. Coastal gardens. Full sun will promote prolific flowering.
H: 1.5 W:1.5
Dodonaea sinualata 140mm
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Small to medium shrub, adapatable to different soils, informal hedging. Prune lightly for a dense habit.
H:1-3m W:1-2m.
Grevillea 'Mallee Cherie' 140mm
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Grevillea lanigera hybrid
Small to medium shrub, greyish foliage, luminous red & white flowers in Winter.
H: 1m W: 1m
Leucophyta brownii 140mm
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Tough shrub that prefers dry conditions, golden new growth, yellow flowers late Win to early Spring.
H:1m W: 1.2m
Templetonia retusa 'Cockies Tongue' 140 mm
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Hardy low growing shrub, grey green foliage, orange red pea flowers Winter to early Spring.
H:1.5 - 2.5 W: 2m
Westringia Naringa 140mm
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Tough, tidy hedging plant with mauve purple flowers Spring & Summer.