Grass Tree Care


The Grass Tree, Xanthorrhoea, is a unique Australian plant growing locally and all around Australia.  It is famous for its distinctive black trunk and magnificent crown of grassy leaf strands.  When the Grass Tree decides to flower, it will send up from the centre of the trunk a tall spike covered with masses of small white flower buds attracting both birds and bees.

Grass Trees are extremely slow growing.  From seed it can take 10 years to form a trunk.  From there the trunk will grow 1 - 2 cm each year.

Xanthorrhoeas are a protected species.  Plants that have been harvested are done under licence and must be tagged with a registration code.


The Grass Tree is a very tough plant that is able to withstand drought, frost, and even intense bushfires - which can encourage flower development.

It does like regular rainfall and moderate watering to help it survive

It likes full sun but it can also handle dappled shade.

Free draining, slightly acidic soil is crucial for it to survive and flourish.

Waterlogged roots will lead to the death of the plant.

Grass Trees do not like to have their delicate root systems disturbed.

Planting a Grass Tree

Choose a sunny position with free draining soil.

Prepare a hole slightly larger than the plant’s pot.

If you are unsure about drainage, line the bottom of the hole with rocks.

Put some potting mix at the bottom of the hole.

It is best to carefully cut the plant out of the pot it came in.

Carefully place the plant into the hole.

Keep as much soil around the roots as possible and try to not disturb the root system.

Fill in the hole around the plant and mulch the top of the soil.

Never over-fertilise your plant.

A very small handful of a native fertiliser around the base of the plant about every 3 - 6 months will be sufficient.

Water in moderately and leave it to settle before any further care is given

(A tip is to dissolve a cup of brown sugar in 9 litres of water and water the Grass Tree with it once a month for approximately two years while it is establishing in its new spot)