Low growing compact form of acacia coordinator with light green new growth, mature into a rich, emerald green. Grows in full sun to dapple shade, and he suited the most soil types, as long as they are well-drained.
Acacia cognata 'LimeLight' 200 mm
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Attractive Green foliage, Compact low acacia, Perfect plant to add some wow factor in the garden, Full sun to part shade in well drained soil. Versatile plant that will be happy in a pot on the balcony or in the garden.
H: 1m W: 1m
Acacia Restiacea 140mm
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Small shrub with rush-like branches & foliage, bright yellow ball flowers Winter early Spring.
H: 1m x 75cm W: 1.2m
Adenanthos sericeus compact 140mm
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Soft compact wooly bush. Sun loving and requires good drainage.
Adenanthos sericeus compact Tube
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Soft compact wooly bush. Sun loving and requires good drainage.